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Advanced Master Remix – Camera Club of New York




Esther Boesche is participating in Advanced Master Remix, a conceptual art and photography exhibition by the Photography Alumni 2012 from the Muthesius School of arts, where Esther received her BA in Communications Design and Photography before relocating to NYC for her MFA degree at the International Center of Photography / ICP BARD College

ICP-Bard  2015
Curated by Joanna Lehan

A group exhibition of the ICP-Bard MFA Alumni of the Advanced Photographic Studies class of 2015.

Location: 126 Baxter St, New York, NY 10013

Opening Reception: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 | 6 – 8pm
Exhibition: July 7th–30th

Advanced Master Remix features recent work, and new, site-specific installations from the 2015 graduates of ICP-Bard’s MFA in Advanced Photographic Studies, as well as. This remix highlights the multidisciplinary work of these artists, for whom the photographic image is a starting point, though not always the endpoint.

Photography today is the torrent that carries us, and a language we all speak. Undertaking “Advanced Photographic Studies,” then, is a more complex endeavor than ever, and the work of these newly-minted MFAs represents the new ways in which the image can be interrogated and reinterpreted.

Artists: Esther Boesche, Stephanie Colgan, Joseph Desler Costa, Marie Louise Omme, Kat Shannon, Marisa Sottos, Daniel Terna, Jessica Thalmann, Beau Torres, Kimberly J. Wade & Tracie Williams